When I think of 2019, I am ashamed. On December 31st I sat on my bed wishing I could join the droves of people posting with thankfulness to God about …
What if you have a child who is well-mannered, makes straight A’s at school, and is successfully involved in all sorts of extracurricular activities, but one day, that child…
We’re pleased to announce today’s release of The Gospel According to Satan: Eight Lies About God that Sound Like the Truth by Midwestern Seminary’s author in residence…
An early proponent of Keswick theology once wrote, “Christians need not sin, and if they allow the Holy Spirit to ‘operate invariably’ they will not sin.” There are numerous…
4 ore, atât a trebuit ca frumusețea satelor Băcel și Lunca Mărcușului să dispară sub șuvoaiele de noroi aduse de râul Tărlung. Apele s-au retras, dar în urma lor a …
În perioada 7 – 8 martie 2018, începând cu ora 18:00, Biserica Adventistă de Ziua a Șaptea „Maranatha” Brașov, a organizat cea de-a șasea ediție a simpozionului „Dialoguri feminine azi”. …